Ashdale's Science program includes the integration of STEM; hands-on investigations, projects and activities; and creates models that showcase science understandings. A whole school, annual celebration of science in Australia is organised by our Science Team during National Science Week.

Kindy - Year 4 Program includes:

  • STEM Learning Project encourages students to be collaborative and solve open-ended problems that have a real-world context
  • Primary Connections 5Es teaching and learning model
    1. Engage
    2. Explore
    3. Explain
    4. Elaborate
    5. Evaluate

Year 5 and 6 Program includes:

  • Online program called Stile where each student has their own account to explore interactive simulations to help students understand complex systems
  • Stile becomes a virtual lab book where students capture and store results, photos and videos
  • Year 5 and 6 students have the opportunity of becoming Lab Assistants in leading and helping various lunchtime STEM activities