The Ashdale Primary School P&C Association is a group of volunteers from our school community who want to be a part of our children’s education experience. Many of our members are working parents with multiple commitments and varying amounts of time, skills or experience who wish to contribute. Together, we can be a strong and productive organisation that can add to the services and resources that Ashdale Primary School already delivers to our children. This may be attending the occasional meeting, volunteering in the canteen, selling second hand uniforms or helping to set up various fundraising and community events that are held throughout the year. It all helps to make the P&C an effective group of volunteers.

Our vision is to:

  • Develop a sense of community within the school
  • Develop and encourage parent participation within the school
  • Promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community and bring educational matters to the attention of the wider community
  • Fundraise to provide resources and programs for the students in the school

Alongside these visions, the P&C operates to:

  • Employ canteen staff, whih along with volunteer support enables the canteen to open 5 days a week.
  • Run community events, such as discos, information evenings and fundraising events.
  • Collaborate with the school to fund ‘big ticket’ items. Items jointly funded in the past have been; the community garden, Artist in Residence program, library upgrade, kiss 'n' drive shelter, basketball court upgrades, nature play areas, LED sign, choir vests, shade sails, broad brimmed hats for all new students and the newest addition, our Ninja playground. 
  • Provide second hand uniforms at a heavily discounted price through the following Facebook page

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at

Please follow Ashdale Primary P&C Association on Facebook to keep up to date: 
